I'm so excited to be getting married this coming June, and I'm honored to have my good friends standing beside me on that day. Having all these guys is really neat because each is a friend from a different point in time, so the line up reads as a progression through my life.
My brother Gabe will be my best man. I was a groomsman in Gabe and Rebecca's wedding.
Mike and I have been friends since fifth grade. We graduated high school together, went to college together, med school together, worked together a little bit during residency, and we may get to work together again if Rachel and I stay in Arkadelphia after the wedding. I was the best man at Mike and Melissa's wedding.
Bryan and I were college roommates at Ouachita Baptist University. He's "the nicest guy in the world" and a great friend. I read scripture during Bryan and Dara's wedding ceremony.
Daniel and I were friends in college and medical school. We spent a lot of time together studying. I was an usher in Daniel and Mev's wedding. He will be reading scripture during our wedding ceremony.
Deputy U.S. Marshal Marty and I have been friends since his wife (Misty Leigh) and I were "W's" together in medical school. I read scripture during their wedding ceremony (something about wives obeying their husbands). We've traveled together to Hawaii, Florida, and Costa Rica. Their daughter Mary Ford will be the flower girl in our wedding ceremony.
Patrick and I became friends after I moved to Tennessee. He taught our Sunday School Class. He and Monica are wonderful people, and they always "leave the light on" for me when I visit Rachel in Murfreesboro. Their son Patton will be our ring bearer.
Donnie and I became friends after he and his wife Lori moved back to Arkadelphia in 2007. We lead a small group together at our church. Also, Lori will be one of the readers during our wedding ceremony.
The youngest groomsman is my nephew Tyler.